A Typical Day – Dormice Room

A typical morning @ The Brambles in the Dormice Room

8 onward Welcoming babies and toddlers into the room where free play takes place such as: small world imaginative play, puzzles, role play, mark making, etc

9.30-10 Whole group snack – with a range of healthy choices are offered such as wraps, rice cakes, cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, humus.

10-11.45 Free flow – where all children can access the garden freely, also planned activities take place to support individual learning and development, messy play, banking and lots more.

12pm – Lunchtime

Hot meals are served  from our kitchen onsite, costing £2:00 and £2:50 with a pudding.  Alternatively children can bring a healthy packed lunch from home.

Meals are planned on a rolling three weekly menu,  including : sausage & mash, home made fishcakes, cottage pie, chicken fajitas, chilli, stew, chicken curry, tuna pasta bakes and chicken pie. A roast is always served on a Wednesday and on Friday there are chips with sausage, fish fingers or chicken nuggets. Vegetarian alternatives are also available.

Puddings consist of Yogurt, home made puddings/crumbles and pieces of fruit.

Our menu is frequently reviewed to ensure our children are enjoying the meals we provide.

1 o’clock onwards – the afternoon activities follow a similar pattern of choices.

Staff are flexible throughout the day to support the child’s individual needs and daily routines.

Wednesday – Zumba
During term time the very young children attend a Zumba class from 10am for half an hour. Where moving to music with props such as scarves, parachute games, and throwing games.
This has been a big success so far shown by the enthusiasm of the children and lots of happy faces.